Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Top 20 Arctic Monkeys Top 20s that never were

Just like another music magazine, we absolutely love Arctic Monkeys, and that definitely means that the public does too. 

Alex Turner for Prime Minister, he'd be a lot better than that David Cameron HAHAHA
Image: 'Arctic Monkeys Live @ Viena 2009
Sometimes we have too many Arctic Monkeys articles to publish without just becoming a tribute website for them which we are not at all, so here are the best 'Top 20' Arctic Monkeys lists we made that we spent hours making but weren't chosen to be one of the 100 we were allowed to publish. These are all really good ideas (none of them are rubbish and there is no way I ran out of inspiration near the end/half way through):

20. Top 20 videos of Arctic Monkeys soundchecks

19. Top 20 Arctic Monkeys cups of tea (by caffeine content)

18. Top 20 pictures of Arctic Monkeys wearing hats

18. Top 20 Arctic Monkeys cups of tea (by number of sugars)

17. Top 20 gigs Arctic Monkeys probably wore shoes at

16. Top 20 times people heard an Arctic Monkeys ringtone on a bus

15. Top 20 videos of Arctic Monkeys removing coats as they entered a building

14. Top 20 Arctic Monkeys cups of tea (by darkness of colour after adding milk)

13. Top 20 pictures of Arctic Monkeys in their houses (from outside a window)

12. Top 20 pictures of Arctic Monkeys in their houses (from behind the sofa)

11. Top 20 times Alex Turner said the word "cake"

10. Top 20 pictures of Alex Turner with wet hair after a shower

9. Top 20 times we corrected an inaccurate Arctic Monkeys lyric

8. Top 20 pairs of ripped jeans worn by Arctic Monkeys

7. Top 20 Arctic Monkeys interviews with one band member missing

6. Top 20 pictures of Arctic Monkeys wearing shoes with no socks

5. Top 20 tweets sent by Arctic Monkeys to fans who were ill

4. Top 20 Arctic Monkeys-inspired YouTube account names

3. Top 20 videos of Arctic Monkeys eating sandwiches

2. Top 20 Arctic Monkeys cups of tea (by particle density)

1. Top 20 journalists Arctic Monkeys have restraining orders for

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